Monday, September 17, 2007

Z-health is back in town

I've been waiting for this for awhile, I can get my hip checked out and see what I need to change on my game plan for my recovery. I have two sessions tentatively scheduled with Dr. Cobb...should be a good learning experience, I have a lot of questions related to both myself and my current educational endeavor. So until things change or I get new info I'm continuing on with my workout plan.


Varied grip chins 4x8
Dips 4x8

30 sec pressing
30 sec overhead kb hold
30 sec body rows on rings
30 sec hold on rings

rest one minute and repeat

Mills 15lb clubbell drop set 50/50, 40/40, 30/30, 20/20, 10/10

Thats it for now.


Mike T Nelson said...

See ya at T Phase! Heal fast!
Mike N

Franz Snideman said...

I love your training. Big movements and productive lifts to say the least!

Curious to see how the Z helps your hip?