Monday, September 24, 2007

Well I managed to get in 2 different sessions with Dr. Cobb, and it was ridiculously productive to say the least. For the first time in about 3 months I feel like I'm moving normally, my pelvis no longer feels as 'dumb' as it had been. It's not quite perfect but instead of small steps forward, I got in one heck of a big leap. My right side no longer feels squishy or soft, it has evened out to be like the other side. My abs are actually firing and helping me function, they've been turned off for a little bit. I got the go ahead to start loading linearly which helps a lot mentally. So the current plan isn't too far off of what I've been doing. I'll be focusing on bone rhythms for the linear stuff, I'll be doing some I-phase drills for rotation, some S-phase for fun, and finally I'll be starting some'll be about 5-6 grades lower than where I left off but I could care less, I'll get to go do some sport climbing with Jes and enjoy being outside, just the thought of climbing puts a big smile on my face and I should be able to enjoy most of the season which I didn't think I'd get to this year...I'm psyched. I didn't get to enjoy much of R-phase since I have a bunch of other stuff on my plate but what I did get to see was excellent as always. It was great seeing a bunch of the RKC community at the cert. I also got to pick John DuCane's brain on some qigong ideas and their relation to what I'll be doing in my massage therapy class. I swear it's almost a problem, there's so much information to take in, synthesize and apply, it's like I start to get a handle on what's going on and then I get off on a tangent and see something new to explore and add's a good thing I love learning.


Anonymous said...

Kevin, It was great running into you and Jes at R-Phase! I'm glad to hear Dr. Cobb got you squared away a little better. I'm with you on the learning thing... It's true that the more you learn, the less you know. I always feel like I'm playing catch-up.

I hope you have a smooth recovery. :)

Franz Snideman said...

Yes, thank God you love to learn because sounds like you have been doing quite a bit lately ......... ........and plan on doing more and more and more!

Mark Reifkind said...

good to hear you are getting better faster. heal well friend.