Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's amazing what you can find on the internet...

This is an article over at t-nation, granted it's an older article but it through me for a loop.


It details methods or suggestions to get your doctor to give you steroids "legally". I put it in quotations b/c it's definitely on the shady side of things. I'm not sure if the intent is to promote methods to obtain steroids without having to resort to black market tactics or if it opens a doorway to something that certain individuals would have never opened b/c they never would have considered it until someone suggested it. It's just disappointing to see another place that usually has decent information to list this article as a must read. Rather than make a change in lifestyle or seek out better information it provides as a quick fix for impatient people. I guess I can add another item to the list of 'better' living through pharmacology and medicine....

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Current Reading List

I usually have at least 4-5 books lying around for me to pick up when the mood strikes me. A couple in the living room, one by the bed, a few in the bathroom...you know how it goes. Right now I have out

Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers A really interesting and dense book, I plan on getting even more out of this as I start my massage therapy program.

Kendall's Muscle Testing and Function with posture and pain. Lots and lots of reference material.

Getting Things Done by David Allen. Organization and task completion, a good book and another way to help you move forward.

An old issue of Milo. Its got Joe Kinney closing the #4 gripper. Its always good to read about other people accomplishing amazing feats.

The light at the end of the tunnel

It's been over a month since I hurt myself and it no longer seems that it's going to take forever to at least get back to where i left off. So with that in mind I've started planning out my road back. I'm planning on around another 5 months to build back up. I still have about another 2-4 weeks of doing nothing but walking and some very easy mobility work, very easy mobility work. So where did I leave off? Previous bests were:
all were done at 165-170lbs
Chinup +145lbs
Military Press 40kg x 3r/2l
Rack lockout no straps 765lb
1arm row 80kg
1arm swing 80kg x 20
Bearcrawls with 2-145lbs kbs
89 cards torn
2200page phonebood sideways style
2hand pinch 197lb
Pistol +115lbs
35lb Clubbell 25/25 Mills

I'll have to go back to my training logs to see everything else but that covers most of my better ones. The general plan is to use mobility as a base and more or less follow a progressive overload format. I'll start with swings and various types of planks and move on slowly with my body's feedback being my guide. I'm looking forward to refining my Zhealth practice and deepening my movement skill. This ought to be a fun journey.

Monday, July 23, 2007

moores wall

accountability, analysis paralysis and add

When I first considered the idea of a blog, I wondered what I'd write about on a regular basis, but the wondering/pondering/contemplating/deliberating is an untentional stalling tactic. I thought I'd try to amass at least 20 days of topics and links to give myself a head start, people check out a blog because there's new information on a regular basis. I figured that if I had information to share then I better make sure there's an audience to share it with, and if there's no steady flow of thoughts and ideas, then the likelihood of exposure begins to diminish. So I'd make a list of some topics, then I'd start over with a new set of ideas, over and over again I'd go through the process, it got to the point of being almost like the directions on a shampoo bottle, but instead I'd blather, wince and repeat. Finally after talking with Geoff, he said it really doesn't matter, just get started. Period. So I did, i got my first post out and it was easier than I thought, but the ball didn't keep rolling, it stopped. For me this blog is ultimately an exercise in accountability. For as long as I can remember I have always done better if I have to be accountable to someone else, a parent, a boss, a teacher. If I'm only accountable to myself, a lot less tends to get done. I'd like to blame the ADD but I'm a reasonably intelligent adult who in theory is capable of learning from mistakes and excuses are just more stalling tactics. So I thought this blog would be a good way to improve this weakness. I'm making the goal of contributing regularly to this blog, whether its a little or alot, the main thing is to get something out, like they say, "a lot of success in life is just showing up."

Finally a random joke, no promises to quality but it goes with the theme...somewhat

How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
(interrupt before the other person can ask "i don't know")
Wanna ride bikes?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

First Post, New Blog

This blog will cover my diet, workouts or lack there of, and (like most everyone else that does this...) random thoughts. I'm doing this to improve my own accountability. So let me catch you up...I'm in the midst of pretty much my worst injury ever... At the RKC level 2 I decided to give a beast pullup a try at the end of the certification. I didn't get set up adequately and felt something rip in my abdomen. It was an awful feeling, one of those times when you know you did something wrong. Here's the problem, any normal person would have gone to the hospital, gone directly to the hospital, do not pass go, do not collect $200, not me...Why you might ask? I don't have health insurance, it was at least the 30th time I wished I was Canadian. Based on the best guesses of a couple of docs and a dpt, i managed to tear my psoas, internal, external oblique, and a nice hole were my abs meet my ribs. The recommendation...crutches for at least 2-3 weeks, followed by nothing other than walking for another 6-8 weeks. I'd almost rather go to prison and have my body confined than be confined to my own body.

So now I'm left with at least an extra 5-10 hours a week to fill, my plan is to step up working on the business side of business and get prepared for starting my massage therapy license program. I'll also start planning out the timeline for my recovery, luckily I have a great network of health and fitness professional to consult with, hopefully I can be to full strength by early in the next year. Then it's time to go about pushing forward. I hate that this happened but it could always be worse, i have plenty of time and no rush to get anywhere but better.