Wednesday, November 21, 2007
last post on this blog
I've decided to start using the other blog I started since it's been suggested that 'accident perrone' might not be the best title for a blog. I've always thought it was kind of funny and didn't think too much about it but after some comments from Geoff, Frankie, and Marty among others I guess it's time to switch. The new/other blog is, mothwork is a pseudo acronym for M.y O.wn T.wo H.ands work...I figured its appropriate since I do a boatload of grip work, any artwork i do is with my hands, and i'm starting massage if you have a link to this blog, i'd appreciate you linking to the new one instead. Thanks and thanks for reading
Thursday, November 8, 2007
back from t-phase

This is exactly how I felt during and after this last weekend, t-phase answered so many questions, even those I didn't know I had....everything was so thorough and now the only question I have is how to integrate and apply the new information. It was a great collection of people and I thoroughly enjoyed all I learned and hope I contributed at least a fraction of what I received. I've begun using some of the assessments and plan on doing more. To get practice with some of the more hands on work, I've decided to start offering 'free sessions' until I get my massage therapy license, this way I can practice but not step beyond my scope. I will be asking that anyone that I work to make a donation. As it gets closer to christmas, I will be taking all of the donations and using it for toys for tots and a local food bank. I figure it's a win, win, win situation. I'm hoping to collect a decent chunk of change over the next 6 weeks or so.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Welcome to Asheboro...

One of the best climbing areas in North Carolina is open again, great problems, lots of things to try, barely an hour drive, and plenty of areas to explore, there's only one problem....the rock is sharp! Finger tips like that are not far from the norm, the pic is of a friend's hands. The crazy thing is he did the problem that did that to him the next go, bloody tips and and all....sometimes i wonder about the sport I've chosen...but then I see another boulder and the previous thoughts disappear. All in all I had one of the best days, if not the best day I've ever had climbing outside, I sent a bunch of problems and no pain...aside from my tips and some residual DOMS from playing on a 100ft slip and slide for an hour the other day in the rain. It seems that I've recovered just in time for an incredible season of climbing, I can't wait.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Stupid human tricks and bracing...
I can't help it, I have an affinity for stupid human tricks, if i see someone do something, there's that little voice in my head that goes, "huh, that looks cool, I wonder if I can do it?" Whether its, a muscle up, rip a license plate, forward spinal wave, doesn't really matter, anything is fair game. It's a great way to see what one's capability is but there is the potential for danger. Usually I try to keep things in the RPE range of 7-9, and I'll admit that I may be a little more subjective with it than I should sometimes but that's the impulsive ADHD nature. So for the longest time while i was injured all i could do was mobility and grip work, but I avoided bracing so as not to mess up the healing process, let me tell you ripping a deck with no abdominal tension is much harder but it is possible. So one of the idea from Zhealth is to use appropriate tension for the activity, So if I don't need to add it in i try to stay away from it. So recently when I went through the timber ties I really didn't use any bracing, it didn't require it, I only used enough tension in my hands to take care of it. Now I do brace if I need to but I find I have to do a lot of relaxation work to counter the excessive use of tension. Plus I figure if I can do this well without bracing once I start working it back in my strength should reflect the additive nature of it.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
One last little workout...
I finished up my one piece of scroll work and started on the other. Hands are feeling a little beat up. But later when I was reading another guy's blog, Adam Glass, he listed a bending workout of his so I thought I'd give it a go since I still have a bunch of timber ties, granted these are timber ties not 'real' 60D nails but regardless I went through 80 of them in 22 minutes, i used four different styles, double over hands high, double over hands low, double under, and reverse. I didn't really bother to wrap them, I just folded a small section of suede over them and kept going. Over all it was about an 75% effort. today hands feel pretty good and it hasn't made my neural tension any worse. I'm psyched.
Friday, October 19, 2007
keeping busy
Picked up some more metal today to work on my scroll work. It's been a while since I've been able to do much I so I figured I'd do some and picked up some 1"x1/8"x6', it makes for some nice ribbon effects but it sure is a pain to twist. So far I've got about an hour in and I'm nowhere near done with it. but it's turning out pretty well, I tend to start with an idea and see where the metal takes me. I'll post once I'm done.
Got in some more climbing, just about 45 minutes, focused on endurance. Forearms are still pretty sore but everything else is doing pretty well, walking feels normal, so I don't think I've screwed anything up....Bonus. I imagine I'll be getting some more in as it gets colder, especially since from mid Nov to after New years, I won't have any class to take. Plus Asheboro has opened up legitimately, it's a super sweet bouldering area not much more than an hour away. So day trips are totally doable, I'm psyched. There's a few things I'd love to do there, plus lots more to explore.
Next goal is to start getting my act together to lay out some serious training. I've learned if I plan ahead, I make great progress, it's just that sometimes after you spend most of your day doing it for others,working on yourself isn't always high on the list. But I plan to crank this season, so it's time to get down to it.
Got in some more climbing, just about 45 minutes, focused on endurance. Forearms are still pretty sore but everything else is doing pretty well, walking feels normal, so I don't think I've screwed anything up....Bonus. I imagine I'll be getting some more in as it gets colder, especially since from mid Nov to after New years, I won't have any class to take. Plus Asheboro has opened up legitimately, it's a super sweet bouldering area not much more than an hour away. So day trips are totally doable, I'm psyched. There's a few things I'd love to do there, plus lots more to explore.
Next goal is to start getting my act together to lay out some serious training. I've learned if I plan ahead, I make great progress, it's just that sometimes after you spend most of your day doing it for others,working on yourself isn't always high on the list. But I plan to crank this season, so it's time to get down to it.
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